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    «Strategy 2024″ Business Breakfast

    As we approach the end of 2023, we all reflect on the year and remember its significant moments. On the eve of the coming 2024, we are thinking about how and with whom we would like to live it, what to achieve, how to go effectively towards the intended goals.

    During the breakfast, we will address the following topics:

    • how to set strategic goals properly
    • how not to get lost on the way to your goals
    • how to make them achievable

    We invite all those interested in spending this day with us to register and confirm your participation by December 8, 2023.


    Dec 10 2023








    • Nigora Ibadova
      Nigora Ibadova
      Expert in strategic development and project management

      Nigora Ibadova is a professional with 35 years of experience, of which more than 15 hold senior positions. Since 2010, she has worked in the Eriell and Enter Engineering groups, where she was an advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board on strategy and development. Under her direct leadership, a unique team has been assembled, uniting experienced and young specialists from Uzbekistan, as well as professionals with international expertise. Learn more

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